5 Reasons to Never Stop Reading

Get ready. Time for reading!

  1. Positivity – Stop thinking about all of your day-to-day, minute-to-minute issues for a moment and wrap your mind around some good old-fashioned words. I pause to let that sink in. Almost there? Okay. There is a focused connection when you are reading a book. Of the five senses, only one is actively engaged, unless, of course, you are eating your lunch while reading, but, still, your eyes are focused on the words. Your mind is deciphering them. For those reading moments everything else slips away allowing feelings of positivity to enter. Side note: the news does not count.
  2. Power Outages – Yes this does still happen and if you forgot to charge your phone, tablet, laptop, etc. What are you going to do? Ahhhh! Relax and grab a book from your grandma’s bookshelf.
  3. Punctuation – Just hold on. This one does matter. The use of technology based communication is changing the written language. LOL. Seriously. Reading may be the only connection to a soon-to-be forgotten language.
  4. Partytime – Yep, a real book held by a real hand and read by real eyes is the ultimate but let’s get real for a moment – we are living in book nirvana! Our choices are limitless and, providing Reason #2 doesn’t occur, available at our fingertips. In the span of a few minutes, one can read about anything at any time of the day. And that leads to…
  5. Potential Overload – Just a quick warning. With the vast array of information at our disposal, the potential to overload our brain is always present. Even worse, we can focus too much on negativity and not enough Reason #1 – positivity. So make wise choices regarding your reading time investment, but

    Never Stop Reading!